◇ PLCC-2 package.
◇ High power LED type.
◇ White package.
◇ Optical indicator.
◇ Colorless clear window.
◇ Ideal for backlight and light pipe application.
◇ Inter reflector.
◇ Wide viewing angle.
◇ Very long operating life.
◇ Instant light (less than 100 ns).
◇ Designed for high current operation.
◇ Low thermal resistance.
◇ Suitable for automatic placement equipment.
◇ Suitable for vapor-phase reflow, Infrared reflow and wave solder processes.
◇ The product itself will remain within RoHS compliant Version.
◇ The HPR3535 series is available in soft red, orange, yellow, green, blue and white. Due to
the package design, the LED has wide viewing angle and optimized light coupling by inter
reflector. This feature makes the SMT TOP LED ideal for light pipe application. The low
current requirement makes this device ideal for portable equipment or any other
application where power is at a premium.
◇ Reading lights (car, bus, aircraft).
◇ Mini_ accent/Up lighters/Down lighters/Orientation.
◇ Bollards/Security/Garden.
◇ Cove/Under shelf/Task.
◇ Automotive rear combination lamps.
◇ Indoor/Outdoor Commercial and Residential Architectural.
◇ Edge_ lit signs (Exit, point of sale).
◇ LCD Backlights/Light Guides.
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